Christian Service Program
What is it?
Marist's Christian Service Program seeks to move the classroom discussion of the personal and social components of Christian lifestyle into real life instances of service and ministry. Christian Service brings the student to the community so he/she can experience living the principles and beliefs of their chosen Christian lifestyle. The student is directed to service projects that promote works for justice and the promotion of peace. Primarily a person-to-person service to the most needy in the community, Christian Service is the chance for the Marist student to respond to Jesus' call to feed, clothe, comfort, teach and help "the least needy of my brothers and sisters." (Matthew 25:31-46). This call, repeated throughout history in the Church's teachings and documents, has always been generously practiced by the faithful in the Christian community. It is now passed on to our students to carry out the work of Christ and contribute to building a better world for all. Christian Service Requirements:
To: the least of your brothers & sisters (Matthew 25:34-40): • People experiencing POVERTY, • Significant ILLNESS, • or AT-RISK home circumstances; • People living with DISABILITIES; • the ELDERLY If your service is not with/for the above populations of people, it will not meet your service requirement. Hours: 50
Where: At any of the pre-approved agencies below. Additional agencies that serve the poor, elderly, disabled, sick, or at-risk will qualify, but pre-approval by the CSE Coordinator is required. It is strongly encouraged that the majority of your hours be served at one placement in order to build relationships and to provide the most valuable and impacting experience possible. Christian Service Requirement Deadlines: Before the end of June, sophomore year: CONTACT THE SERVICE AGENCY where you have chosen to do the majority of your service hours
VERIFICATION OF HOURS 1-10 DUE AT THE END OF THE 1st QUARTER, junior year JOURNAL ENTRIES #1 & #2 DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2nd QUARTER, junior year VERIFICATION OF HOURS 11-20 DUE AT THE END OF THE 3rd QUARTER, junior year JOURNAL ENTRIES #3 & #4 DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 4th QUARTER, junior year Your journal will be read & reviewed by the CSE Coordinator at the time. VERIFICATION OF HOURS 21-50 JOURNAL ENTRIES #5 -#10 DUE THE 3rd WEEK OF SENIOR YEAR Work closely with your Theology teacher to assure a successful project:
Your Creative Response Assignment & Final Paper, as well as your Completion Conference, will be incorporated into your senior Theology classes. Pre-approved Service Agencies