Attendance, Safety, and Conduct
We expect respectful students on our campus, actively contributing to our Christ-centered, welcoming community. Marist takes pride in educating our students, encouraging them to positively contribute to the greater community. Assisting students in the understanding of guidelines to ensure the security, well-being, and education of all students takes a combined effort of the school, student, and families within our community. Marist emphasizes the development of Catholic/Christian values and the ethical behavior necessary to serve as a witness of our faith. STUDENT SAFETY Marist is committed to providing a safe learning environment free from harassment or bullying in any form. Harassment of any student by another student, staff member, volunteer, visitor, parent or vendor is prohibited. The school treats allegations of harassment and bullying very seriously and investigates such allegations promptly, taking any necessary corrective action. With a focus on community-building and support of Catholic Church teachings, we expect all students, staff, parents/guardians, community members and visitors to contribute to Marist’s positive school culture by treating each other with respect. Students are encouraged to report any bullying or harassment to a school administrator. SUBSTANCE PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION Chemical dependency is viewed as a serious social problem and the most desirable goal is prevention. Our role is to provide education and participation in early recognition and intervention, when there is sufficient evidence to indicate students are harmfully involved. Marist is not a treatment center, but it is a cooperating agent with parents/guardians. When students become involved with chemical substances, Marist will make every effort to provide assistance. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE We place a high level of value and importance on time spent in the classroom, and furthermore, recognize that the value of in-class time is irreplaceable. While we encourage students to take advantage of off-campus learning opportunities, they must do so responsibly and in a way that minimizes the academic impact of their absence. Students are accountable to make up missed assignments and make arrangements with teachers regarding these occasions. Marist considers off-campus learning opportunities to be a privilege available to students who are in good academic standing and demonstrate responsible decision making in balancing their absences with their academic responsibilities. Students are expected to attend school regularly and to be punctual, by arriving on time each morning and to each class during the day, in order to optimize academic success. |